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Freelancers Union

In addition to the permanent hunt for the next assignment, freelance workers have to duck and dodge a thousand threats to their tenuous livelihoods. Accounting for more than 30 percent of the nation’s work force, freelancers and the self-employed can’t swing affordable insurance, are taxed more than traditional employees and have basically zero protection under unemployment insurance, retirement plans and unpaid wage claims. This is where Freelancers Union shows up to save the day. Freelancers Union represents more than 100,000 members nationwide and has already managed to offer health insurance to freelancers in 31 states, in addition to providing dental, life and disability insurance for a reasonable fee. Users who register for free membership can search gigs, make connections, get discounts and exchange services with other freelancers across the US—thus making it easier to skip a job opportunity without forcing your family to live hand-to-mouth.

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