A comics blog maintained by Valerie D’Orazio, a writer for Marvel Comics and president of Friends of Lulu, a national organization for women in comics.
Tag Archives | blogs

Tumblr moves up to #8
Tumblr is entirely awesome, and so what was it doing down in the 50s of our classic top 100 list of the web’s best sites?

2 blog networks ruling the world of online niche humor
If you’re up-to-speed on your Internet memes, you’re likely familiar with LOLcats, those pictures of cats enhanced by hilarious and intentionally misspelled captions, made popular by the blog I Can Has Cheezburger.

Wow! 500 photographers
Amazing photographers are out there on the web, and Rotterdam-based photographer and blogger Pieter Wisse is tracking them down.
Good Wine Under $20
An excellent, well-maintained yet totally unpretentious wine blog featuring a wide variety of different wines from across the globe, all for under 20 bucks.
The 99 Cent Chef
This playful and inventive cooking blog teaches you how to live high on the hog without mincing your now-tender budget.
Closet Cooking
Looking to mix up your menus? Enter Closet Cooking, a blog for those in search of unusual combinations and bold flavors.
The Kitchn
The Kitchn nourishes the home cook with high-quality photography, sophisticated layout, and an astonishing amount and variety of posts.
Smitten Kitchen
The recipes alone are reason enough to follow Deb Perelman’s blog, but one glance at her photos and you’ll be smitten.
Serious Eats
A crew of contributors dishes out recipes, nationwide restaurant news, and lively discussion on a site that is serious — but not too serious — about food.