Two websites on our Indie 100 list, 20×200 and Tiny Showcase, have made it onto a top 10 list of spots to buy art online.
Tag Archives | indie

Be a collector: 10 spots where you can find affordable art

“Some Things Meant the World to Me”
Struggles, past and present, are equally viable in Joshua Mohr’s blunt, fearless first novel “Some Things Meant the World to Me.”
Social publishing + Red Cross = 100 stories for Haiti
Social publishing meets Haiti relief efforts with a new book, “100 Stories for Haiti,” author Greg McQueen’s effort to raise money for the Red Cross.
Akashic Books
Urban pulp, literary fiction and politically left-of-center offerings by an indie press where quality trumps mass-marketability.
Indie Bound
Indie Bound’s online community connects indie-conscious people with local independent booksellers, strengthening Main Streets across the US.
Lulu helps you publish and sell your book, and do it with style.
You create, you buy. At CafePress, you can create your own store and sell shirts, mugs, or whatever (or buy them).
Etsy is the antithesis of mass-produced junk. With Etsy, you’ll find original, handmade goods for your purchasing pleasure.
Downloading music never felt so good. Or legal. And yes, here you’ll find indie bands—lots of them.
Sick of stores catering to the Top 40 Format? Us, too. Insound delivers indies.