Motto and Tags

Twitter How-to: Customize your profile

Who are you? What do you do for a living? What is your goal on Twitter? These are the questions that your Twitter profile should answer to the Twitterverse. Once you click “Settings” from the menu at the top of your Twitter homepage, a number of tabs will help you customize your profile: “Account,” “Picture” and “Design.” The “Picture” tab doesn’t need much explanation: Simply upload a picture to display on your profile and next to your tweets. It’s best to choose a picture of yourself, or perhaps your company logo if it’s a work account. The “Account” tab lets you edit all of the essential information that shows up on your profile, including your actual name, your location, a URL for more info about you and a short bio. People want to know about you if they’re going to be following you, and providing actual info about yourself is a good way to set yourself apart from all the spammers out there. The final tab, “Design,” lets you change the colors and images that make up your profile’s overall look. For easy tweaks, you can choose from Twitter’s pre-made themes, or for a more custom look, choose your own colors and background image. Be sure to save your changes when you’re done, or all your hard design work will be lost.

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