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Serious Eats

Serious Eats describes itself as a food blog and community, but it’s really more of a country. Within the site, there are a number of communities. The masthead includes a very long list of qualified contributors, each of whom has their own niche, from “Dinner Tonight” to “Dining Out.” The result is wonderfully diverse content, including recipes that have been thoroughly tested and photographed, brief cookbook reviews, reports from GroceryNinja on delicious and unique products (Pinoy hot chocolate, anyone?) and the markets to find them, longer columns from top food writers, video interviews with celebrity chefs, and national restaurant news. The other major community can be found in Serious Eats’ “Talk” section, one of the most eclectic collections of topics among forums of its kind. The well-stewarded forum boasts a refreshing, friendly decorum — the hallmark of a real community.

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