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Seafood Watch at Monterey Bay Aquarium

Ride the wave of ocean conservation advocacy by checking out Seafood Watch at the Monterey Aquarium. If you’re fishing for information on which types of fish are best to eat or which organizations support sustainable seafood, this site is an ideal resource. In addition to explaining pressing concerns that are affecting our oceans, Seafood Watch offers opportunities for you to impact legislation by signing petitions, making donations, or writing letters. A printable pocket seafood guide can help you make responsible decisions when purchasing or ordering seafood. The site provides a lighthearted way to learn: place an order at a virtual sushi restaurant to see if your choices are helpful or harmful to aquatic ecosystems. Under the “Fun & Learning” tab, send e-cards featuring your favorite marine animals. If enough people visit this site, we’ll never have to worry about finding Nemo on the endangered species list.

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