There’s nothing like a book at the beach, and Time has book recommendations from 23 authors, such as Wole Soyinka and Jonathan Franzen.
Here’s a taste of what these authors are recommending:
Jonathan Franzen recommends Chad Harbach’s The Art of Fielding: “It’s left a little hole in my life the way a really good book will, after making room in my days for reading it — which is also what a really good book will do.”
Wole Soyinka liked Pablo Neruda’s Memoirs. According to Soyinka: “I found it fascinating. I know his poetry, but I’d never read about his life, and afterward I could understand how the poems came out of the man.”
From Megan Abbott’s list comes Daniel Woodrell’s The Outlaw Album. Abbott points out: “The way he breaks apart language and phrases and pulls from different regional dialects — it feels very exotic to me. And his female characters are so strong, which is frequently an issue in crime fiction.”

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