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One Step Ahead

You have one baby screaming in the next room while your three-year-old pulls at your leg, insisting you play the “Backyardigans” DVD for the ten millionth time today, even as your fridge is almost empty and you haven’t done the laundry in what seems like eons. The last thing on your mind is when you will next make it to the store to buy much-needed baby clothes and accessories. Thankfully, the pros at One Step Ahead pride themselves on stocking the best baby gifts, baby products, and baby care essentials all at the click of a mouse. There’s merchandise here that you wouldn’t even think existed—perhaps the essence parenting in the 21st century—like the travel potty, the ear-and-throat exam kit, insulated feeding pots, and very trendy breast-pump carry bags, to name a few, along with the usual necessities and near-necessities.


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