Judging from the stories at the Huffington Post and the New York Times, disconnecting is a fad among technology CEOs.
Tag Archives | books

Disconnecting is all the rage, even in Silicon Valley
Organize and share your Kindle highlights (and more) with Findings
Is reading social? And if it is, how social? That’s one of the topics, among others, in a series of interviews at the blog for Findings, a startup that’s all about quotations, highlights, and annotations from books (and elsewhere).

Telegraph: Why the printed book is doomed
More and more people are reading books on their Kindles and iPads and other e-reading devices, but there are still zillions of printed books being purchased, too. But is the printed book about to become a relic? Maybe so, says a writer for the Telegraph.

Brain Pickings: 14 children’s books by famous writers of “grown-up” literature
Brain Pickings is a wonderful weekly e-newsletter about culture, and it recently featured a pair of reviews of children’s books written by famous authors, from Mark Twain to Virginia Woolf.

23 summer book recommendations from 23 admired authors
There’s nothing like a book at the beach, and Time has book recommendations from 23 authors, such as Wole Soyinka and Jonathan Franzen.

You’ll soon be able to borrow Kindle books from your local library
Amazon announced today a new Kindle feature, launching later this year, that will allow libraries to lend out copies of Kindle ebooks to patrons.

3 top coffee table books of 2010
Ebooks are the rage, but guess what? There’s nothing like a well-designed art or design book, especially as a gift. Traditional books are special—more special than ever—and these three make terrific gifts.
Amazon lets you give Kindle books as gifts
You can now give Kindle books as gifts at Amazon.

Barnes & Noble announces an all-color, all-touchscreen Nook e-reader
Amazon’s Kindle might be the clear frontrunner in the three-way e-reader war between Apple, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble, but that could change pretty soon.

Five Books delivers quick book recommendations
How’s this for a motto: “The best five books on everything.” That’s the idea behind Five Books, a website that’s all about doling out book recommendations, with a fun twist.