If you’re a fan of PowerPoint, and the iPhone, then you may want to check out an app called SlideShark.
Tag Archives | iphone

SlideShark lets you carry PowerPoint presentations in your pocket

Huffington Post names top 10 iPhone art apps
The iPhone is an artist’s dream, and now the Huffington Post has a useful list of what it considers the best iPhone art apps.

3 hot mobile products at the top of users’ wish lists
Some devices everyone wants, or so it seems, and eWEEK has a report on some of the latest (and hottest) mobile products.

The Next Web names the top Instagram apps, from Postagram to Stickygram
Instagram is a service with an ever-evolving following (yes, Justin Bieber included), and there’s a wonderful ecosystem of apps surrounding the iPhone photo-sharing service.

5 ways smartphones will change (destroy?) life as we know it
Damon Darlin of the New York Times recently wrote an amusing take on smartphones, outlining five improvements to life possible with smartphones.

Macworld: 12 best stylus options for touch-screen art
Touch-screen art, typically created with the iPhone or the iPad, is everywhere these days, from gallery shows to the cover of the New Yorker magazine. Macworld provides a handy comparison of a variety of touch-screen styluses, and gives them star ratings.

GigaOM: 7 camera apps for the iPhone
[camapps_00_icons] In an article for GigaOM, Charles Jade provides a rundown of seven camera apps for the iPhone.

Add an old-school touch to your iPhone
Here’s a quirky (i.e. Japanese) iPhone accessory you probably didn’t realize you needed: Phone x Phone, an old-school wired phone that serves an iPhone charging dock — and real phone, all in one.

Mashable’s top 10 iPhone photography websites
Mashable’s got a great list of the “10 essential websites for iPhone photographers.

A book to help you become an iPhone app mogul
There are plenty of books out there aimed at helping programmers build iPhone apps, but what about books for companies, consultants, and others who are looking to create apps for their organizations—or as a way to make a buck?