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Photography today may no longer be considered an “emerging” art form, no longer necessarily “risqué” or “avant-garde,” but no one can deny that it’s awfully popular. PopPhoto, the website of Popular Photography and American Photo magazines, is the most up-to-date and relevant news source that pertains to the art of photography. Photographers will find news about product releases and famous photographers, reviews and tests of the latest cameras and lenses, and an easy-to-use buying guide that helps you find what you want and where to get it. If you’re new to the scene, a nifty how-to guide helps with specific problems, like making panoramas or editing portraits. Convenient, easy to navigate, and simple to understand, PopPhoto is the authority when it comes to photography in the English-speaking world. You may consider yourself above what most consider “popular,” but you’ll find that this is a serious site, for people who are serious about photography.

Visit PopPhoto.

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