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CMJ Network

While not all roads lead to the cover of the Rolling Stone, the path to good music — and an appreciative audience — often begins at CMJ. Their exhaustive digital music discovery service, information resources and community forums present a permanent golden opportunity for showcasing new talent to industry suits looking to catch the next wave of marketable cool. Backed by their legendary CMJ Music Marathon, the largest and longest-running music industry event of its kind, CMJ fronts a brand with a rep for breaking bands the old fashioned way: live performance and loyal followings. In addition to in-depth coverage of live events and tours across the USA, CMJ’s weekly music business trade magazine CMJ New Music Report is the bean counter’s primary source for exclusive charts of non-commercial and college radio airplay, as well as independent and “trend-forward” retail sales. If you’re looking to play that golden fiddle, the crossroads have never been nearer than CMJ. Go on down and see if you can make a deal.

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