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Twitter How-to: Utilize Twitter’s RSS feeds

While Twitter may call itself a microblogging tool, it actually has more in common with macroblogs than you might think. Case in point: RSS feeds. RSS feeds are an easy and convenient way to keep track of blogs and other online feeds, or automatically updated lists, without having to visit the actual websites. Sites like Google Reader and Bloglines let users collect all their favorite RSS readers and track them in one place, making it easy and painless to keep track of dozens of sites and blogs every day. To utilize this feature on Twitter, just go to the profile of the user you’d like to track and click the link below his/her “following” grid that says “RSS feed of username’s updates.” Simply copy and paste the URL for the page you just navigated to into your favorite RSS reader, and you’re good to go. Whenever that person posts a new tweet, it’ll show up in your reader. If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you can also publish your blog posts to Twitter through RSS feeds. Sites like FeedNest and TwitterFeed let you specify an RSS feed that you want automatically posted to Twitter, so you can keep your followers up-to-date on your blog without manually tweeting every time you post a new entry. RSS is just one more way you can stay on top of your Twitter game without having to go to the actual Twitter website.

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