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As Twitter grows in popularity, it is becoming more than a mere social platform for posting status updates. Twitterers use the application to keep track of their friends, share pictures and links, and keep updated with everything from the latest news feeds to their favorite celebrities. Luckily for us, TweetDeck is a simple and powerful personal browser that allows users to keep track of multiple Twitter accounts in real-time within a single interface. All updates and alerts can also be organized into customizable columns. For example, if you have your own website, you can set up a search column and see when people tweet about your site. Updating through TweetDeck makes tweeting incredibly simple, with built-in access to popular features like Twitpic, StockTwits and the major URL-shortening websites. To sweeten the deal further, there’s even iPhone and iPad versions of the app to ensure that you have constant access to your Twitter feed at all times. An all-encompassing program like TweetDeck could easily transform tweeting from a simple Internet habit into a genuine lifestyle.

Visit TweetDeck.

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