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Other than being rich and famous, what do Dan Abrams, Alicia Silverstone, Mos Def, and Jenna Jameson have in common? Answer: they’re all vegetarians. Of course, there are reasons to join the movement besides the fact that Hollywood has hopped on the meat-free bandwagon, and GoVeg will tell you what they are. The site has recipes and many other resources for those interested in educating themselves about vegetarianism or for those who’d like to become activists for animal rights. You can even learn more about the personality and intelligence of the animals we eat. A section called Kids’ Corner takes you to the kids’ section of the PETA website, where you will find quizzes, contests, merchandise, and games. The videos on PETA TV are great, but they can be heart-wrenching and difficult to watch. This informative site makes the vegetarian lifestyle cool and relevant. Even hard-core carnivores won’t have any beef with a website like this.

Visit GoVeg.

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