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Looking for free content for your Kindle? Delivereads delivers with quality curated content

Cover of "Kindle Wireless Reading Device,...

Cover via Amazon

Amazon likes to brag that you can read all the newspapers and magazines you want, wirelessly, from the comfort of your Kindle. Unfortunately, the costs associated with subscribing to these publications may be a little too steep for some.

Enter Delivereads. This free service delivers free, high-quality content to your Kindle on a regular basis, usually pulled from well known sources such as GQ, Atlantic, and the New Yorker. The content ranges from thought-provoking and touching articles on real-life heroes, in-depth features on interesting people like Zach Galifianakis, or hilarious open letters to the man blow-drying his private parts in the gym locker room, so there’s always something that will strike your fancy.

No more sorting through the fluff, and no more paying for content. Doesn’t get much better than that!

Check out Delivereads and put your Kindle to work for you.

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