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Archive | Books 100 > Short Stories

The Books 100 list was written in 2009 and 2010. It is not currently being updated.

57“Once The Shore”

Paul Yoon’s debut collection, “Once the Shore,” entrances the reader with its unhurried observations and stark but dazzling prose.

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80“Dear Husband”

The 14 stories in Joyce Carol Oates’ “Dear Husband” tackle the suffocating and sometimes fatal nature of family ties.

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81“Big World”

“Big World” is riddled with female characters who teeter dangerously on the threshold of disaster, making this collection a disturbingly honest look into the feminine psyche.

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91“Love in Infant Monkeys”

Lydia Millet’s first short story collection brings together animals and celebrities in an exploration of what it means to be human.

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