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Apple Store

When I saw people setting up deck chairs around inner-city streets at 4 p.m. one day, I thought one of two things was happening: big tickets were going on sale and these nutcases didn’t have internet access, or something involving Harry Potter was about to occur. When I showed up for work at 8:30 the next morning and they were still there, the line stretching down the block, I realized these people had camped outside overnight in the cold to be the first to get their hands on Apple’s new iPhone. When a phone is worth sleeping in the streets, you know it must be special. And it is. But do you need to sleep in the streets? You do not. Apple’s online store is a one-stop shop for all your latest Apple and Macintosh needs and desires, including the magical iPhone, as well as iPods, iTunes, MacBooks, iMacs, software, and everything iRelated.

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