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Have you ever needed to edit a few pictures in a jiffy? Is Photoshop a little beyond your budget? Try Snipshot, an online photo editing tool that works from your internet browser, requiring no downloads. Save time and space on your hard drive by becoming a monthly member, for a moderate fee. With Snipshot, you can edit photos anywhere—at home, at work, or wherever your little laptop picks up WiFi. Snipshot provides the basics, including useful editing tools such as filters, crop, resize, and face detection applications. In addition, you can adjust images for color balance, hues, sharpness, brightness, and more, all while keeping your files in standard formats. Snipshot isn’t a replacement for Photoshop, so professional designers and artists may find it lacking. But it is a helpful tool when you find yourself stranded with a photo–and without editing software.

Visit Snipshot.

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