We’re all used to seeing still images (or maybe an animated .GIF or two) that have been created with Adobe Photoshop, but video? That’s a new one.
Tag Archives | Photoshop

This animated commercial was made completely in Photoshop

98 awesome levitation photo-illustrations
OK, so the people and objects in these photos might not be levitating for real, but sometimes it’s just fun to pretend — and, thanks to some skilled Photoshoppers, it looks incredibly real.
“Evolution of Beauty”
Dove takes us behind the scenes of photoshoots to demonstrate just how deceiving a pretty photo can be
Layers Magazine
Ranked #41 in Photo 100
If you’re into Adobe’s Photoshop and other digital imaging products, then Layers Magazine will help you with tutorials, reviews, and more.
Planet Photoshop
Ranked #50 in Photo 100
When you’re working in Photoshop, it’s like you’ve got the world on your screen. With Planet Photoshop, you’ve got all the tips and tutorials to make the most of that world.
Edit photographs online in this browser application. Snipshot requires no downloads, so take that snapshot and start snipping.
Big Huge Labs
Offering heaps of special effects, Big Huge Lab is a quirky online photo editor with an edge–and without downloads.
Show off those pics: FotoFlexer lets you edit and add effects to photographs online, with no cost or downloads.
Photoshop: Not just a noun anymore, it’s a way of life. Get on the Photoshop train and Photoshop to your heart’s content with the program’s online counterpart.
Digital photos re-envisioned in just a few clicks. Free of charge and easy to use, this image editor is high on innovation and low on stress.