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Crash Test Kitchen

Unlike traditional cooking shows found elsewhere on television or the web that feature consistently perfect results and dishes prepared beforehand, Waz and Lenny, the two wacky Australians behind Crash Test Kitchen, make sure the video blogs of their recipes are both informative and honest. The site features an almost encyclopedic variety of hilariously entitled recipes such as “Cracking Crème Brulee” or “Braised Pork Belly Like Mao Used To Make.” Billed as a “a cooking show for real people,” Waz and Lenny’s culinary repertoire also includes handy video advice on tackling kitchen basics, like a killer chicken stock or how to easily create dense, frothy milk for the ultimate cappuccino. Whether you’re a seasoned gourmand or a kitchen rookie, the methods behind Crash Test Kitchen’s madness will surely be able to offer some truly authentic pieces of culinary advice.

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