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Twitter How-to: Use Twitter commands

It’s great that you can post Twitter updates from your cell phone, but have you ever wished it were possible to do more than just tweet via text? Using simple text commands, you can control a number of aspects of Twitter from anywhere. Want to send a direct message? Simply write “D username” followed by your message. Want to get your best friend’s tweets while you’re away from the computer? Type “FOLLOW username” and you’ll start getting text notifications for that user on your cell phone. Other commands include “LEAVE” (to turn texts off for a particular user), “GET username” (to receive that user’s latest tweet) and “STATS” (to get info on your follow count, how many people you’re following and what words you’re tracking). For more text commands, see the official Twitter help page. These commands can be used from your mobile phone, the update box on the Twitter homepage or from any third-party application, so it’s easy to control Twitter no matter where you are.

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