The only predictable thing about the stock market is that it is unpredictable. Whether you are in a bear or bull market, StockTwits can help connect you to knowledgeable investors online. By signing in with your Twitter username, you gain access to a potential wealth of information. The site displays a chart of how the market fared in the past 24 hours, as well as a Twitter ticker showing what stocks users are chatting up. You can create a portfolio by inputting specific stocks you would like to follow — perhaps AAPL or JNJ — and obtain news and web links from other twitterers, including everyman investors as well as finance websites and trade magazines. The stock market will always be a gamble, but if you play your cards right and invest wisely, TwitterStocks can help you win the jackpot.
By Adrienne Vogt
on January 16, 2010
in Twitter 100 > Useful Twitter Services
Ranked #85 in Twitter 100
Ranked #85 in Twitter 100
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