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101 Cookbooks

Cookbooks only work if you use them, right? Heidi Swanson realized one day that she had over 100 cookbooks on her shelf, yet she was cooking the same things over and over again. So what did she do? She started a blog, of course. She also dedicated herself to exploring those books, trying new recipes, and posting her efforts on a blog. There is nothing like a bunch of strangers keeping an eye on you to motivate you to stick to your goals. The ensuing blog became dedicated to vegetarian and natural cooking. It caught the eye of some of the biggest names in cooking and won numerous awards. You can join Swanson’s Facebook page or choose recipes to create your own cookbook. Come see an impressively indexed collection of recipes, read about how the food interacted with Swanson’s life, find out how to build a natural foods pantry, and share an enthusiasm for food that goes beyond what you will find in an ordinary cookbook.

Visit 101 Cookbooks.

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