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3 travel startups that will get you packing

Planning a trip can be both fun and, at times, something of a hassle. But there are some new travel startup websites that make planning your next vacation a whole lot less time-consuming and, in some cases, a lot more affordable.

  1. TripIt
    By forwarding them your confirmation e-mails once your trip has been booked, they’ll build you an entire itinerary for your vacation. Even has ranked TripIt as one of the 50 best websites.
  2. Yapta
    Everyone hates buying a plane ticket just to see the price go down a week later. With Yapta, you can track your flight information so you know when it’s right to buy. And if the price of your ticket eventually drops below what you paid, Yapta helps you get a refund for the difference!
  3. Dopplr
    It’s like a community of fellow travelers. By joining their network, you can share itineraries, give advice, and share tips with other people who love seeing new sights as much as you do.


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