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Author Archive | Allan Hoffman

Google buzz generating lots of buzz: a roundup

Google doesn’t have to do all that much to generate buzz—the company’s pretty much a buzz machine these days—but with its launch of Google Buzz, there’s a lot to discuss and evaluate, the technology world’s buzz evaluators are going wild.

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Why the iPad changes everything for computers

Maybe not this year or next, but in the next several years, computers will be transformed with “touch” interfaces like the one on Apple’s iPad (and, of course, its iPhone).

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New top 100 list: Twitter 100

The list is a guide to Twitter, for everyone from newbies looking to make sense of the Twitter phenomenon to Twitter regulars hoping to find the best tools and techniques for managing their Twitter obsessions.

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3 spots to monitor Apple tablet rumors

I admit it: I’m pretty much crazed with excitement about the prospect of an Apple tablet.

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Time’s top 10 lists of everything

You’ve got to admit: Time magazine knows how to do top 10 lists. And though we’re already in 2010, I’m finding there’s a lot of great material in Time’s uber-list of top 10 lists.

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18 hours! Big jump in Internet use in Harris poll

Yep, you spend a lot of time online.

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Canon S90 tops eWeek camera list

The Canon S90 is at the top of an eWeek list of the best cameras to buy this holiday season.

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Off-the-charts numbers about info-overload

A new report documents the astonishing information overload we’re experiencing from the web, Twitter, Google, and other sources.

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ABC names decade’s top gadgets

Uh, the iPhone’s not number 1?

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