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“Some Things Meant the World to Me”

Some Things Meant the World to Me“Some Things Meant the World to Me,” published by Two Dollar Radio, is Joshua Mohr’s first novel, a novel of visceral realism and an exploration of a damaging youth. Rhonda, a 30-year old man with depersonalization disorder, is introduced to the reader during a liquor induced dig through a dumpster. “Charles Bukowski fans will dig the grit in this seedy novel, a poetic rendering of postmodern San Francisco culminating in, of all places, Home Depot,” summarizes Oprah Magazine. Indie Bound describes Joshua Mohr’s first novel as “a gritty and beautiful work that is creative and hypnotic, and should stand as an introduction of an original new voice to American literature.” Grit seems to be the theme, but despite its darkness the narrative prose soars. “Dark, yet not pitch black: [Mohr] pits his vision of ugly realities against one of basic human kindness,” writes The Collagist.

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