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Archive | Viral Video 100

31“Miss California on Gay Marriage”

Carrie Prejean’s gay marriage blunder sent shockwaves throughout the country and created an uproar from both sides of the aisle.

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32“Birds on the Wires”

Birds appear on wires. A photograph is snapped. And from the photo — from the position of the birds on the wires — a musical composition emerges. Strange and wonderful. Sit back and watch (and listen).

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33“‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ – Literal Version”

The video was ridiculous enough on its own, but then someone went and redubbed it with even more ridiculous lyrics.

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34“Charlie Bit My Finger”

Videos of kids are cute enough on their own, but add a British accent and they’re simply irresistible.

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35“News Anchor Curses On-Air?”

It’s difficult to determine exactly what this news anchor said, but his co-anchor’s face is priceless either way.

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36Snowboarding New York City

Snowboarding in New York City? Yes, you can do it, and with style. Snowboarder Casey Neistat shows you how in this fun and thrilling clip.

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37“What What In the Butt”

You can’t help but wonder how seriously you’re supposed to take this music video, but it’s hilarious either way you look at it.

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38“Bare Essentials of Safety”

Suddenly the pre-flight safety video is less boring when you add New Zealand accents and creative body paint.

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39“Keyboard Cat”

Call it animal abuse if you want, but this classic viral video is still one of the cutest things ever.

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40“Dancing Down the Aisle”

This wedding party proves that weddings don’t have to be boring, with its fun and entertaining dance down the aisle.

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