I’m here at the Web 2.0 Expo in New York City, where the conference organizers have decided to present five keynotes, back-to-back, in the span of something like an hour-and-a-half. That’s a lot of talking, a lot of slides, and a lot of Twitter posts (yes, the Twitter posts are amusingly being broadcast on a mega-screen), and while I would have thought this might be at least a bit sleep-inducing, especially in a darkened room, the lineup and moderators have actually done an excellent job of keeping things moving at a brisk pace.
I’m not going to try to sum up the five keynotes. Instead, I decided I’d pick out five points, or remarks, from each five on the talks.
Tim O’ReillyIs the web really as open as we think it is? Or are new products and tools, from Apple’s App Store to Amazon Web Services, making it less open? Read more in O’Reilly’s post, “The War for the Web.”
Jay Adelson and Kevin RoseThe Digg founders talked about startups. Adelson: “Now it’s so cheap. If you can’t prototype it without investment, what’s wrong? You should be able to prototype this thing for thousands of dollars, not hundreds of thousand of dollars.” Rose: “You just need to get it shipped and out the door and learn from your users.”
Chris BroganThe social media guru said your ratio of talking about other people to the time you talk about yourself should be 12-to-1.
Caterina FakeFake, a founder of Flickr, says “constraints are the thing that make you more creative.”
Danah BoydDanah Boyd, of Microsoft Research, says we need tools to help us “slice and dice” content so we don’t have information overload.
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