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Web 2.0 Expo: Halvorson on content strategy

At Web 2.0 Expo NY, web content expert Kristina Halvorson just wrapped up a talk titled “Content First: Why Content Strategy Will Save the Web.” The message is clear: You need to think about content, and the planning of it, rather than just assorted other issues, like sitemaps and information architecture and technological features.

“Content is hard, and it’s messy, and once it’s out there, if we can get it out there, we have to take care of it,” she said.

She cited a number of consumer-oriented companies handling content effectively, often because they’ve devoted the resources to it. These include REI (expert advice on outdoorsy topics), Room & Board (interviews with artists and craftspeople), and Ford Models (a YouTube channel with beauty advice for teenage girls).

Halvorson is the author of  Content Strategy for the Web, a 2009 release on the topic.


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