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Slow Food USA

With a growing plethora of foods available everywhere we turn, thinking about the source and origin of the food we eat on a daily basis becomes something of an afterthought. Slow Food USA, home of the increasingly popular slow food movement, is here to remind us of the importance of connecting “the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment.” As you would imagine, the slow food movement is the antithesis of the fast food industry. Eating processed cheese snacks from a plastic bag in your SUV? Not for slow foodies. Don’t let the name fool you, though: Slow Food USA and its local chapters are moving at top speed to spread the message about the movement. In addition to co-sponsoring information sessions with a renowned Italian culinary school, Slow Food USA members can even participate in foodie events like “Slow Wine on the Vine” and a class on “Slow Honey.” After all, what would a food movement be without great food?

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