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Compare and contrast: 5 reviews of the Kindle Fire

So you’re thinking about buying a Kindle Fire, but you’re not quite sure if it’s the right tablet computer for what you want? Well, one way to tell — short of buying it, and hoping for the best — is to read a bunch of reviews.

Here are five reviews:

  1. David Pogue at the New York Times: “The Fire deserves to be a disruptive, gigantic force — it’s a cross between a Kindle and an iPad, a more compact Internet and video viewer at a great price. But at the moment, it needs a lot more polish.”
  2. JP Mangalindan at Fortune: “The Kindle Fire takes Amazon’s wildly popular services and presents them in a solid piece of hardware with a responsive, easy-to-understand interface that works.”
  3. Tim Stevens at Engadget: “It isn’t a perfect experience, but if nothing else it’s a promising look into the future of retail commerce.”
  4. Edward Baig at USA Today: “I’d give a split decision to Amazon because of a lower price and all its content.”
  5. Allan Hoffman at “I’m impressed by the Fire, and I think millions will buy it and love it. Apple’s finally got big-time competition for tablet computers.”

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