Are deer crossings a danger? One caller to a radio station thinks so, and here’s a hilarious video addressing the deer crossing dilemma.
Author Archive | Allan Hoffman
Please Move the Deer Crossing
Impossible Project delivers Polaroids of smartphone photos
Mobile photography is revolutionizing photography, but it’s not entirely instant, especially when it comes to printing.

Instacart offers one-hour grocery deliveries
You really want those Oreos? Then Instacart wants oblige.

Disconnecting is all the rage, even in Silicon Valley
Judging from the stories at the Huffington Post and the New York Times, disconnecting is a fad among technology CEOs.

The ultimate Mountain Lion review from Ars Technica
Want to know about OS X Mountain Lion? Here’s a 26,000-word review.
Organize and share your Kindle highlights (and more) with Findings
Is reading social? And if it is, how social? That’s one of the topics, among others, in a series of interviews at the blog for Findings, a startup that’s all about quotations, highlights, and annotations from books (and elsewhere).
Video tips: How to shoot video that doesn’t suck
So much video, so little time. Here’s a book with tips to shoot video that doesn’t suck.

“Milk Man: World’s Worst Superhero”
Ranked #86 in Viral Video 100
So this is weird and sorta disgusting, but admittedly hilarious: a superhero who’s all about preventing crime by vomit-like blasts of milk.

Timeline Cover Maker will help you add style to your Facebook Timeline
Got a dull Facebook Timeline? You can do something about that.
“Proposal in Stop Motion”
Ranked #53 in Viral Video 100
How’s this for a way to propose: Lego characters meeting and falling in love in an elaborate stop-motion display of devotion. Wow.