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Author Archive | Allan Hoffman

3 reasons to love Snow Leopard

A couple years back, I wrote a column with an immodest proposal: Companies like Apple and Microsoft should put all new features and functionality on hold for five years and focus on stability and simplicity.

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5 time-saving personal outsourcing services

Outsourcing is no longer just for the corporate world. Whatever you don’t have time to do, you can probably find a virtual somebody in a place far, far away to do it for you.

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3 companies with stylish digital photo frames

Way back during the waning days of the dot-com boom, I made a risky purchase: I spent $249 on an Internet-connected picture frame for my parents.

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AOL isn’t necessarily what you think it is: It’s a hub of articles, videos, music and other resources, with a priority on ease of use.

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Google is everything. It’s search, of course, but it’s also a wow-inducing, ever-evolving storehouse for the world’s knowledge and information.

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Here’s your home online—where you stay in touch with friends, post your profile, update your status, and lots more.

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7 productivity-enhancing text-messaging services

Text messaging is simple, it’s quick, and it’s not just about teenagers using texting slang, like “hw” (for homework) or “ttyl” (for talk to you later), to gossip and get together.

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5 spots for swapping movies and music

Maybe you don’t really want the DVD of “Finding Nemo” your sister-in-law got you for your birthday. Or another copy of “Who Moved My Cheese.” Or, for that matter, any number of other gifts.

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7 tools for becoming a superstar of online sharing

You can hardly read a webpage these days without stumbling on a reminder to “share” what you’re reading, followed by a bunch of funny-looking little icons.

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7 fun and funky niche stores

I am somewhat embarrassed to say I felt completely giddy after stumbling upon an online clothing store called Last Exit to Nowhere.

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