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Tag Archives | creativity


With Kickstarter, you can experience the vicarious thrill of helping to fund wonderfully creative new products dreamed up by artists, designers and inventors from around the country.

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Huffington Post names top 10 iPhone art apps

The iPhone is an artist’s dream, and now the Huffington Post has a useful list of what it considers the best iPhone art apps.

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Macworld: 12 best stylus options for touch-screen art

Touch-screen art, typically created with the iPhone or the iPad, is everywhere these days, from gallery shows to the cover of the New Yorker magazine. Macworld provides a handy comparison of a variety of touch-screen styluses, and gives them star ratings.

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An astonishing light painting, composed with individual long-exposure images. Wonderful, beautiful, and superlative-busting.

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4,000+ Hipstamatic photos used to create stop-motion video

Hipstamatic is an amazing, always-evolving iPhone app for taking cool, retro-looking photos with your iPhone camera.

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