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The Moth

Everyone’s got a story to tell, and all they need is a venue and an audience of people to express themselves to. This simple idea inspired The Moth’s creation in 1997. To date, The Moth’s live storytelling events have brought about 3,000 stories to more than 100,000 people. The Moth helpfully provides information on how to join in on any of their events, like attending one of the original Mainstage performances, which have featured entertainment heavyweights such as Margaret Cho and Ethan Hawke. You can even participate in one of The Moth’s StorySLAMs, which culminate in an annual Moth GrandSLAM competition. The epitome of word-of-mouth success, The Moth’s grassroots style organization has since spread beyond its New York City base and has gone on tour to both domestic and international cities, proving the entertainment value of a good story truly knows no bounds.

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