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David Lebovitz

Author David Lebovitz has written a number of books about the best part of the meal — dessert. Lebovitz blogs about the culinary scene in Paris, where he decided to move so he would “have something to blog about.” Lebovitz writes with humor and an intelligence that comes from years as a professional chef in well-known restaurants. His recipes are tantalizing for any sweet tooth (chocolate biscotti, chocolate soufflé cake, lime meringue tart) and also innovative, bordering on bizarre (ketchup macarons, seaweed cookies, absinthe cake). He also leads week-long culinary tours of Paris, which focus on chocolate, ice cream, breads, and French pastries. Visit his blog to read up on his Parisian adventures — and maybe find a recipe to wow that special someone. As we all know, French cuisine is the food of l’amour.

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