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List names 50 top inventions for 2009

This year will be remembered for more than the Great Recession. To read Time’s list of the top 50 inventions of 2009, it was a banner year for inventors, with new ideas and products coming from fields as diverse as robotics, sports, and photography.

The list includes everything from tank-bred tuna to the YikeBike to the bladeless fan.

Will these inventions change the world? It’s too soon to say, but certainly they’ll get you thinking.

Here are three interesting picks from Time’s list.

  1. Ares 1
    The new Ares 1 rocket from NASA “dazzled even the skeptics,” according to Time.
  2. Tweeting by Thinking
    “In April, University of Wisconsin doctoral student Adam Wilson — working with adviser Justin Williams, above — tweeted 23 characters just by thinking.”
  3. Vertical Farming
    Think a skyscraper, but for a farm. Or something like that.


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