Motto and Tags

Robyn’s latest music video takes interactivity to a whole new level

In today’s digital world, it’s becoming more and more common for us to shape our own environments — including the media we consume.

Now, in her latest music video for the song “Don’t F*cking Tell Me What To Do,” Swedish pop sensation Robyn is taking fan interaction to a new level by handing the creative reins over to her fans on Twitter.

The song features Robyn lamenting that “My drinking is killing me” and “my boss is killing me,” and now Twitter users who post tweets ending with the tag #killingme can have their own complaints incorporated into the ever-changing (and, apparently, neverending) video.

Visitors of Robyn’s website are thus treated to an endless stream of twitterers’ various grievances, from headaches to ninjas.

Oh, and did I mention that the video’s in 3D for those fortunate enough to have red-and-blue glasses on hand?

It’s a truly unique experience, as the video is never the same twice. It’s constantly updated with new tweets and streamed online, something that never would have been possible with traditional media.

See the video here

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