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11 books to teach you everything you need to know about social media and marketing

Social networking and marketing. The two obviously go hand-in-hand, as many businesses today spend countless hours and dollars on making the most of Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking and micro-blogging services.

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15 sizzling hot beach reads

The ingredients for a perfect day on the beach: sunscreen, towels, a tropical drink, and a book that will keep your mind stimulated in the heat.

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3 cool Bluetooth gadgets

With all of the attention surrounding the WiFi standard for wireless Internet access, Bluetooth sometimes gets lost in the shuffle.

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6 reasons to ditch iTunes and buy tunes from Amazon

Ever since it debuted in 2007 with the idea that it was an “iTunes killer,” Amazon’s MP3 store has been a point of contention among audiophiles and digital consumers alike.

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Hilarious and awesome: The 21 best webcomics

When future generations look back on life at the beginning of the 21st century, I hope they judge us on our webcomics.

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9 spots for “real” world news

Keeping up with world news is a considerable task for anyone to undertake these days.

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3 webcomics with fierce female heroes

Enter the women of webcomics. These women are strong, sexy, and sassy. Even in 2-D form, these animated females are over-the-top and under-the-radar.

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5 reasons why xkcd is a must-read

xkcd (capitalisation frowned upon) proclaims to be “a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language.” It is also constantly imaginative, witty and at times, touching.

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7 sites for baseball fans to get all their news and stats

There are some people who believe there is nothing more beautiful than a baseball box score. And while they may be right, there is no need to stop there anymore.

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5 spots to score deals at sample sales

For years, entrepreneurial fashion enthusiasts have brought sample sales to discerning customers in cities like New York and Los Angeles.

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