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Archive | Twitter 100

The Twitter 100 list was written in 2010. It is no longer being updated.

You don’t get much shorter or simpler than this URL-shortening service — and that’s definitely a good thing.

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32Echofon for iPhone

The free iPhone and iPod Touch app Echofon offers all the necessary features of Twitter while improving some of them.

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33Twitter Tip: Keep it balanced

Try to maintain a reasonable balance between how many people you follow and how many people follow you.

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Twitaholic accesses Twitter’s database statistics to display the most popular users, according to number of followers, friends and updates.

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36Twitter How-to: Customize your profile

If you want to get noticed on Twitter, you’d better make sure your profile is optimized to work for you.

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Twitter is great, but if you need support for other microblogging services as well, twhirl will keep you up to speed.

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38On Twitter: The New York Times

The well-known and highly-respected newspaper offers customizable news with content that’s split among dozens of different sections.

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Who needs an iPhone when you can get all the features of Twitter on the Blackberry that never leaves your hand?

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See what everyone’s tagging about on Twitter with this feature-filled site that’s dedicated to the twitterverse’s ever-changing metadata.

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