New York Times book critic Michiko Kakutani takes on the downside of the Internet, social media, and online culture in a thoughtful essay, “Texts without Context
Tag Archives | trends
Twitter has evolved into a valuable tool for sharing online content via links, so it only makes sense to track the popularity of those links.
See what everyone’s tagging about on Twitter with this feature-filled site that’s dedicated to the twitterverse’s ever-changing metadata.
Twitaholic accesses Twitter’s database statistics to display the most popular users, according to number of followers, friends and updates.
Style Bubble
Don’t get stuck in a fashion rut! Let Style Bubble help you keep up appearances with the latest trends, designers and accessories.

Trends for 2010? Get 10 in two minutes
The smart folks at J. Walter Thompson have an amusing video outlining ten trends for 2010: “In keeping with one of our trends for 2010—Visual Fluency, referring to the growing preference (and need) for a graphic synthesis of information vs. an avalanche of reading material—we’ve created an animation that encapsulates our 32-page report in less than two minutes.”
18 hours! Big jump in Internet use in Harris poll
Yep, you spend a lot of time online.

AP names 50 things that “changed our lives in the aughts”
Associated Press writer Jocelyn Noveck has a fun, thought-provoking article, “50 things that changed our lives in the aughts.
Not many surprises in CNN list of 2009 tech trends
Facebook, smartphones, digital books… There aren’t many surprises in a CNN list of the top 10 tech trends from 2009.
Design Observer
Intelligent, insightful design and culture blog covering everything from the irritating habits of luxury brand marketers to the PDAs of the ancient Sumerians.